The Third Secret
Quatrain 10/70
L’oeil par obiect fera telle excroissance,
Tant & ardante que tombera la neige:
Champ arrousé viendra en decroissance,
Que le primat succombera à Rege.
Through an object the eye will swell very much,
Burning so much that the snow will fall:
The fields watered will come to shrink,
As the primate succumbs at Reggio.
eye will swell: the volcano at the mouth of the Rhone gets larger because of the amount of lava coming out of it.
snow will fall: the smoke and ash from the volcano trigger a drop in temperature and cause snow to fall.
watered fields will shrink: this is the start of the widespread, long-lasting drought predicted by Nostradamus.
the primate dies at Reggio: this is the third secret of Fatima. The next papal election leads to a schism in the Catholic Church when the Curia does a Trump and rejects the candidate selected because he is too liberal and a reformer.
To avoid their fate, the Curia can do one of two things: abide by their oaths of office; or, if that is too hard, they can decline to undertake a sea voyage to Reggio. Incidentally, the Fatima revelations did not come from God but from an evil genius or guardian spirit that protects the conservative Church. The entity’s aim was to stymie Vatican II reforms and preserve sectarianism.
The Beach at Reggio By PT - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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