
The Earth Moved

Quatrain 1/43


Avant qu’aviene le changement d’Empire,

Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux,

Le Champ mué, le Pilier de Porphyre,

Mis, translaté sur le Rocher Noileux.


 Before the Empire changes,

 a very wonderful event will take place. 

The field moved, the pillar of porphyry put in place,

 changed on the gnarled rock.



before the Empire changes: Shortly before America is destroyed in a Russian nuclear attack.


the field moved: The earth’s axis is changed. Based on the figures in the prophecies, Nostradamus expects topographical features to move northward by between 4 and 5 degrees. This is probably caused by the earthquake in California.

pillar of porphyry: This refers to lava erupting from the volcano at the mouth of the Rhone.


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