
Near the end of 2023

Quatrain 1/37


Un peu devant que le soleil s’excuse,

Conflict donn grand peuple dubiteux:

Profliges, port marin ne faict response

Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux


Shortly before sun set, battle is engaged.

A great nation is uncertain.

Overcome, the sea port makes no answer,

the bridge and the grave both in foreign places.


Shortly before sunset, battle is engaged: The Israeli assault on Gaza begins shortly before the end of the year.


A great nation is uncertain:  The assault on Gaza is a bloody affair, which harms alliances and destroys America’s reputation in the Arab World. 


Overcome, the sea port makes no answer: Gaza is powerless to resist the Israeli attack.


The bridge and the grave in foreign places: They are both beneath the waves.


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